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How to do a side loose fishtail braid #braiding_tutorial

Use An Elastic ~ Tie your hair into a side ponytail using an elastic. This means you’re not dealing with such wide pieces of hair and you’re far more in control. Once you finished your braid, slip the elastic out. This method results in a tighter braid but this can then be loosened up afterwards.

Create Texture ~ Curly and wavy haired ladies like the blonde bride above have an advantage in that the more texture your hair has, the thicker your braid will be. Fine haired folk like me need not despair, a bit of haphazard curling with a curling iron/straightener and/or some backcombing and we too can have chunky braids.

Kirby Grips ~ For those of you have have layers ~ when you take your hair over one shoulder, stop too many shorter layers falling around your face by pinning them back at the neck using kirby grips. Then, once you begin your braid, let them run wild ~ it accentuates the messy look and boho feel.

Don’t Over-Think It ~ Once you’ve taken your two pieces from both sides and crossed them over, don’t worry about them anymore, let them loose in their respective halves of your hair. I used to end up with lots of small sections of hair threaded through my fingers, trying to keep them separate from the rest of my hair and getting in a right muddle. But it’s really not necessary to keep track of the smaller pieces ~ especially if you’re opting for a messy look!

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