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5 Alternatives to Shaving Cream to Use on Your Legs #Skin_Care


You may not have shaving cream in the shower already, but chances are you do have hair conditioner. This is one of the cheapest and most hydrating ways to shave. Don’t waste your high end conditioner, of course, but pick up an inexpensive drugstore option to use on your legs. Using conditioner to shave leaves your legs silky smooth.

Baby oil:

Using baby oil as shaving cream reduces the chances of nicking your legs. One, it’s clear, so you can see exactly where you’re shaving and two, the oil helps the razor to slickly glide across the skin. Just be careful with baby oil to make sure you rinse the shower area after you shave so you don’t slip!

Body lotion:

Similar to hair conditioner, body lotion will leave your legs feeling like satin. The steam from the shower opens up your pores, so applying lotion in the shower helps the formula penetrate deeper into your skin.

Coconut oil:

If you are prone to razor burn, coconut oil is the answer to your prayers. It has anti fungal and antibacterial properties that prevent razor burn from occurring, but also works as a moisturizer so your legs won’t dry out.

Aloe Vera Gel:

This one’s for the summer. Shaving with sunburn? It just isn’t going to happen. Unless, of course, you shave with aloe vera. The gel cools your legs and treats your burn to ensure an easier (and less painful) shave.

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