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How i make my blowout last an entire week #hair_care_tips

Day 1 and 2: 

Get ready to be shocked: Do not use any products. Really. I know it's hard to resist the deliciously scented serums and that it feels super glamorous with a hairspray cloud around you, but products won't help if you're in it for the long run; they just weigh your hair down, so I wait until day three to use any.

Day 3: 

You can now break your product fast. It's dry shampoo time! I use a little in the morning, making sure to brush through afterwards. Sometimes I'll work it in with my fingers as well.

Days 4 and 5: 

Now it's time to add in some dry conditioner, which is like fabric softener for your hair. Avoid the roots and only spray the ends – the opposite of dry shampoo technique, essentially.

Day 6 and 7: 

Now you're in the final stretch. In addition to the dry shampoo and conditioner, I will now use a volume spray or blast my hair with the blow dryer to add some volume. This is also when I might start to wear my hair in a half pony if I feel it's not looking bouncy enough.

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