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Makeup Tips For Girls Who Rock Glasses #makeup_tips

1. Stay neutral

When you are an eyeglass wearer, you are super lucky because you can actually stay pretty neutral with your eye makeup. The reasoning behind this is that your bright colors won’t really be seen behind those fashionable eyeglasses.

2. Save bright bold colors for your lips

One of the top makeup tips for eyeglass wearers is to save those bright and bold colors for your lips! Want a pop of pink? Do it on your lips! What about some violet? Your lips! It’ll make all of the difference ladies!

3. Don't be scared to use mascara

A lot of the makeup tips for eyeglass wearers that I read said mascara is bad and will stick against the lenses of your glasses – this is a myth. Mascara will only highlight your eyes and really bring them out from behind your glasses, so mascara it up!

4. Gel liner

Gel liner is actually one of the best liners for eyeglass wearers – it’s also one of the top makeup tips for eyeglass wearers! Gel liner is one of my favorite liners. Not only does it stay on, but it’s super easy to apply too! My favorite? Of course, Maybelline’s gel liner!

5. Thick frames? Thicker eyeliner

Did you know that if you have thicker framed eyeglasses, your eyeliner should mimic that? This tiny makeup tip for eyeglass wearers is a secret that I am blowing out of the water. So girls with thicker frames, make sure that your eyeliner compliments your thicker frames!

6. Thin frames? Thin Eyeliner

The same goes for thin frames! If you have thinner frames, don’t be scared to thin out that eyeliner and go with light lines!

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