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How to get rid of those little oil bumps on the face

Milia are small white bumps that appear on the skin. They’re usually grouped together on the nose, cheeks, and chin, though they may appear elsewhere. They develop when skin flakes become trapped under the surface of the skin, according to the Mayo Clinic, or when keratin builds up and gets trapped.

Milia almost always resolve on their own without treatment. However, there are a few things you can do to help speed up the healing process and prevent more milia from forming. Keep reading below to learn more.

1. Don’t pick, poke, or try to remove them

If milia on your face or your child’s face are irritating you, don’t pick at the affected area. Trying to remove milia can cause the bumps to bleed, scab, and scar. Scraping the skin can also introduce germs to the area. This can cause infection.

In the case of babies under 6 months old, the best thing to do for milia is to leave the bumps alone. If the bumps are concerning you, see your child’s pediatrician.

2. Cleanse the area

Make sure you’re washing your face with a gentle, paraben-free soap each day. Any soap that isn’t mild will strip your face of the oils it needs to stay balanced and healthy.

After washing, pat your skin dry instead of letting it air dry. This will help prevent your skin from chafing or drying out.

3. Steam open your pores

After cleansing, you may find it beneficial to steam open your pores to further remove irritants.

One way to do this is to:
  1. Start by sitting in your bathroom with the shower running on a hot setting. The room will fill slowly with warm steam.
  2. Sit in the steam for 5 to 8 minutes. The steam will gently open up your pores, releasing skin flakes or other irritants that may be trapped underneath.
  3. After sitting in the steam, turn off the shower and wait a few minutes. Pat your face dry, and rinse with lukewarm water to wash away any irritants before you step out of the steamy room.

3. Gently exfoliate the area

Gentle skin exfoliation might help keep your skin free of irritants that cause milia. Some exfoliating agents keep the keratin in your skin from overproducing. Look for exfoliating cleansers that contain salicylic acid, citric acid, or glycolic acid.

Exfoliating too much can irritate the skin, so you don’t do it every day. Start by using an exfoliating cleanser once a week and see if it improves your milia.

4. Spritz some rose water

Rose water is demineralized water that contains rose oil. Rose oil can be an anti-inflammatory agent when applied to your skin. You can find a great selection of rose water here.

Spritz some rose water over the affected areas two or three times a day and see if the milia improve. Be careful to avoid your eye area. Rose oil might irritate it.

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