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How to Remove Facial Hair Without Shaving

As we grow older, facial hair can become darker and significantly more noticeable. It can age you dramatically and it is also extremely embarrassing.

The good news is, today we are sharing a natural way that you can remove facial hair. We know that you are going to love the results.

We suggests doing this twice a week for permanent results.

Natural Facial Hair Remover Ingredients

How To Make Natural Facial Hair Remover Mask
  1. Heat the milk (do not boil).
  2. Mix 2 tsp milk with 1 tsp gelatin.
  3. Add Honey and turmeric and mix will till you get a paste like consistency.
  4. Apply to the face with a brush; avoid hairline, close to eyes and lips.
  5. Leave for 30 minutes and peel off upwards. Sooth with ice and apply moisturizer.

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