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8 Ways to get rid of whiteheads at Home

Whiteheads are basically clogged bores as compared to blackheads which are open pores. These pores get sebum, debris and hair follicles and get covered and form whiteheads.

Here is the 8 ways to get rid of whiteheads at Home:

1. Apply Steam To Your Face Weekly Twice!:

Take some water in a large vessel and boil the water until it becomes steamy enough. You can add some essential oils or herbal oils to the water after it is boiled. You can also add 2 spoons of turmeric. Expose your skin to the hot vapours that arise out of this vessel by closing your vicinities with a huge blanket. Remain close to the vessel until hot vapours percolate into your skin and your face becomes all steamy.

2. Sugar And Honey Scrub:

All you need is a handful of sugar, one tablespoon of honey and few drops of lemon juice. Mix these ingredients well and use this mixture as a facial scrub. Apply the scrub at those areas where the problem persists

3. Apple Cider Vinegar:

You can directly apply the Apple cider vinegar to the areas of whiteheads on face or whiteheads on nose with the help of cotton balls.

4. Garlic:

All you need is 2-3 garlic cloves, 1-2 tablespoons water, rose water and cotton pads. Take some water in a small bowl and crush the garlic cloves in the water. Apply this water over the problematic area, rub the garlic water more for whiteheads on nose. Let the garlic water remain on your face for 10 minutes.

5. Essential Oils:

you need to mix the essential oils with required amounts of carrier oils. Carrier oils are also known as base oils or vegetable oils. They are needed to be mixed with the essential oils before applying them directly on to the skin. Adding carrier oils will dilute the essential oils and prevent any side effects that may occur from direct application of essential oils.

6. Turmeric Face Pack:

To apply this pack, you need 1 teaspoons of turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon curd, few drops of rose water, and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Make a smooth paste with these ingredients and apply this mask all over your face

7. Tomato Juice:

Mix one tablespoon of fuller’s earth with approximately two tablespoons of tomato juice which has been squeezed out of the tomato. Mix this mixture in the form of a smooth paste, and apply it all over your face.

8. Fenugreek Leaves:

fenugreek leaves contains anti-microbial properties which will help in eradicating the clogged pores which are caused due to bacterial infections.

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