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How painful is waxing your bikini area?

I will not lie, bikini waxing is painful. Especially the first time because the hair is long.

If you are opting for a regular bikini wax, where the hair along the bikini line is removed, the pain is tolerable. A Brazilian bikini wax, where most or all of the hair is removed (including the hair on your backside), or an L.A. bikini wax where they leave two strips of hair along the labia (like an airway strip at LAX airport) are very painful, especially around the labia.

However, there are some things you can do to reduce the discomfort.

The Do's and Don'ts of waxing:

  • DON'T: schedule your bikini wax near your period. Bikini waxes are more painful around this time.
  • DON'T: let your hair grow too long between waxing appointments. The longer the hair, the more it will hurt. Trim the hair if necessary (but not too short). Leave the hair a 1/4 inch long.
  • DON'T: go to a cheap, walk-in salon. Trust me, I did once and I will never do it again. Go to a nice salon with licensed estheticians.
  • DON'T: go swimming or have sexual intercourse immediately after you wax. Unless you enjoy feeling burnt and raw down there.
  • DON'T: attempt to do it yourself. You can cause bruising, discolouration (from wax that is too hot) and damage to the skin. It is difficult to contort yourself into positions that are ideal for waxing the bikini area.

  • DO: take an Advil 1 or 2 hours before your appointment.
  • DO: exhale forcefully as the esthetician pulls the wax strip off quickly. It will sound like you are doing lamaze while giving birth but it will help keep your mind off the pain.
  • DO: make sure the esthetician cleans the area before and after your wax and applies a soothing oil or cream afterwards.
  • DO: Make sure the esthetician does not double dip her wax applicator. She should use a new one for every application of wax. If not, run! Any bacteria on your skin, as well as from other clients' skin gets transferred from the applicator to the wax and then to you.
  • DO: exfoliate the area regularly. Wait two days after your appointment. Exfoliating the area will help prevent painful ingrown hairs. You can also apply benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid cream to the area to keep the pores clear.

Bikini waxing becomes less painful with each appointment so don't fret! Happy waxing!

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