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How to get rid of pimple marks naturally?

Having had and fought acne for 20 years I can say that the best way to treat my acne was naturally. All other methods like antibiotics and benzoyl peroxide just made me sick and my skin worse.

Here are some tips you can follow to get rid of your acne naturally.

  1. Quit sugar - This is the best thing you can do for your skin and your body. Please don’t tell me that your friend who eats sweets all the time has clear skin. You want acne gone, you have to start from within. Everyone reacts differently to everything. If you have acne and quit sugar, trust me you will see a difference in little as 2 weeks, even if this is the only tip you follow.
  2. Eat well - Your body has the capacity to heal itself and your skin. To help it you have to give it the nourishment it needs. Green leafy vegetables, vitamin C rich fruits like orange, kiwi, protein like fish, chicken are great to start with. You can eat rice, lentils, yoghurt etc. Stay away from fruit juices and soft drink and of course sugar.
  3. Exercise - Get some fresh air and exercise everyday. This improves circulation and is good for your body. Anything that is good for your body is great news for your skin. Yoga, running, brisk walking or even games like tennis, cricket are all good. As long as your heart rate increases and you sweat a bit.
  4. Quit using acne products - When you have acne it is natural to try and use as many products to get acne to heal. What happens unfortunately is that the skin fights back. You are left with dry, sensitive and red skin. So if you are use any ointments like benzoyl peroxide, salicyclic acid it is better to quit using them and let your skin heal on it’s own.
  5. Do not touch your face - Trivial as it sounds, it actually helps your acne heal. Do not touch your face. All you do by touching, is irritate your acne. Trust me you do not need to feel your acne at any time. Leave them alone so they can heal.
  6. Use unprocessed honey - Apply a thin layer of raw, organic honey on your face and leave it on for an hour. This will help your acne and your skin heal. Honey is wonderful and if your have sensitive skin it heals it as well while healing acne. It balances out oily areas on your face while moisturizing dry areas. It is perfect for any skin type.
  7. Do not over wash your face - When you have acne and oily skin, it is very tempting to try and wash the oil off often. This does not help. Your skin fights back by creating more oil and you are left with a weird dry / oily skin. You can use plain water or if you must use face wash stick to once a day and use a mild one like Cetaphil.

For scars here is what you can do

  1. When you use honey, mix in half teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg powder. They help fade scars away and also heal acne without leaving a scar.
  2. Rosehip oil is great for acne scars. Use 2–3 drops after washing your face.
  3. Pure aloe vera gel is great for acne scars. Use organic gel or find a plant, break a piece and apply the gel to your face.
  4. Turmeric is great for evening out your skin tone and fading scars. Add 1/2 teaspoon of organic turmeric to the honey mask I mentioned in point 1.
  5. Always use sunscreen when going out. Your skin is very susceptible to sun damage when you have acne.

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