The best strength training exercises to reduce cellulite
In short, cellulite is a type of fat. However, it seems to have its own unique, dimply appearance doesnt it? Thats because this particular type of subcutaneous fat is stuck between the muscle and the fibrous cords that connect the skin to the muscle. The more fat cells that accumulate, the more they push against the skin and cause those cords to pull down. This creates the cottage cheese appearance you love to hate. And the looser the muscles fibers are in any part of your body, the easier it is for the fat to push through like little pillows.
After puberty, pretty much anyone can get cellulite, regardless of their weight. Young girls can have it, but it actually becomes more visible in older women simply because their skin is thinner. In addition, women and men alike tend to gain fat and lose muscle with age, both of which contribute to having cellulite.
Yes! Having cellulite doesnt mean you are overweight. Even thin people have it. Even models have it. (They just have professional air-brushing and spray-tanning!) However, if you do happen to be overweight, losing weight can reduce cellulite.
In addition to losing weight if youre truly overweight, the other things you can do to reduce the appearance of cellulite is strength train! Strength training is the best way to reduce the appearance of cellulite, and it costs nothing. How does strength training reduce the appearance of cellulite? When you build nice, firm muscle underneath your skin, it will fill the space with solid structure and create a smoother surface. Basically the webbing of muscle fibers tighten up and they wont allow the fat to push through. Plus, the more muscle means the more fat burn, and more fat burn means less fat to produce cellulite! Boom!
Here are the best strength training exercises to reduce cellulite. They focus on the most cellulite-prone areas of your lower body, including the glutes and thighs. Try these exercises 2–3 times per week for best results. You will need a long resistance band for two of the exercises. Perform each move 8–12 times then move to the next one. Go through the sequence two times for best results.
- A) Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder distance apart and toes turned out. Bend knees, lowering torso and keeping your back straight and abs tight. Tuck your tailbone.
- B) Bring hands to hips or the front of your body for balance. Sit back into a squat with the weight in the heel of the foot, then slowly stand back up using your glute and hamstring muscles. Repeat for desired number of reps and switch sides.
- C) Begin by standing a few feet in front of a step and reach your left foot back so toes are on the bench and heels lifted.
- D) Bend the right knee, lowering your body toward the floor until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. If your right knee extends in front of your ankle when you lower, move your right foot farther forward.
- E) Lie on back with bent knees hip distance apart, and feet flat on mat stacked under the knees. Extend one leg long towards the ceiling.
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