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How to get rid of blackheads on the nose

We all get them. Those pesky spots can appear on many parts of your body but mostly collect on your nose. What are they exactly? Blackheads are bumps that appear because of plugged up hair follicles. It’s a mild form of acne that’s surface looks black or dark, hence, the name, blackheads, although they can also appear yellow in color as well. Technically, blackheads are called comedones. It’s a collection of oil and skin cells that clog the hair follicle and causes a breakout.

Clay Mask to get rid of blackheads on nose

The main ingredient in this mask is Bentonite clay (available at many health and wellness stores). It has been used for hundreds of years to treat skin related problems since it is rich in minerals. It works by drawing out the gunk and impurities that can build up in your pores. The mask will give your skin a lift, helping with circulation and overall health, while taking care of your blackheads.

  • One tablespoon (approximately) of Bentonite clay
  • Water or apple cider vinegar
  • You can add either water or apple cider vinegar to the clay. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s a good idea to mix the clay with water instead.

Mix either water or apple cider vinegar into the clay, to form a thick paste, but that is pliable (easily bent). With clean fingers, cover your nose (and or your entire face) with a thin layer and let it dry for ten to twenty-five minutes. Your face will tighten as the mask dries. It’s up to you how long you want to keep the clay on your face. You can either let it dry part way or completely. Rinse the paste off with warm water and follow up with some moisturizer.

Egg Whites to get rid of blackheads on nose

You can create a mask by using egg whites to tighten your pores. It will remove the blackheads you have now, as well as, diminish the possibility of other blackheads forming. This is a great mask to use because it doesn’t dry out your skin like some other home remedies, as well as, the egg whites give your skin some much-needed nutrients.

  • A bowl
  • One egg
  • Toilet paper of facial tissue
  • Clean towel

The first step in making this mask is to divide the egg yolk from the white. Rinse your face with water and pat dry. Next, apply a small layer of egg white onto your nose and face. There are two options for the next step.

Milk and Honey Strips to get rid of blackheads on nose

Milk and honey have ingredients that keep your skin looking soft and smooth. The main objective, when the two are mixed together, is to work like an adhesive.

  • One teaspoon of milk
  • One tablespoon of raw, organic honey
  • Cotton strips

Mix together the milk and honey. Heat it up in the microwave for around five to ten seconds, and then mix it again to make sure it is blended. Once the mixture is a reasonable temperature, smear a thin layer onto your blackheads, and then place a clean, cotton strip onto it. Let it dry for around twenty minutes and then slowly peel off the cotton strip. Rinse your face with cold water and follow up with moisturizer.

Honey and Cinnamon Strips to get rid of blackheads on nose

The delicious combination of honey and cinnamon is a great way to get rid of blackheads. Honey has natural, anti-bacterial agents that keep the bacteria that cause acne at bay. It also acts as an adhesive to pull out the gunk clogging your pores. Cinnamon is known to increase blood flow and circulation in the skin, giving you a nice, healthy glow.

  • Raw, organic honey
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Cotton strips

Mix enough honey and cinnamon together to form a paste that will cover your nose. Dab a thin layer onto your blackheads and put a clean, cotton strip over it. Let it dry for three to five minutes and then remove it from your face. Follow up by rinsing your face clean, as well as, moisturizing.

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