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How to Straighten Your Hair Like a Pro

There are many haircuts that exclusive work with straight hair, and a number of the prominent hairdos include straight or marginally wavy hair, and for those with twists, this can be hard to fulfill.

Wavy hair can be both a gift and a curse especially on the off chance that you favor straight hair.

Here, we have listed some easy ways to straighten your hair without using any heating equipment.

1. Use Hair Ties Overnight

When you want to wake up with heatless curls you braid your mane, right?

And, when you want to wake up with heatless straight hair, then?

All you need is:
  • Hair ties.

Steps to follow:
  • Section your damp hair into two or more small, low ponytails around the base of your neck.
  • Place some loose hair ties every inch or so down the each ponytail to get straight hair from root to tips.
  • Make sure that, the hair ties are fairly loose so that they don’t leave a dent mark on your hair.
  • Now, get some sound sleep and let it out in the morning.

2. Hair Rollers

This technique works best when you are home for most of the day and want straight bouncy bob for your short hair cut, instead of a curlier style.

All you need is:
  • Large rollers (larger the roller, straighter the hair)
  • Clips to hold rollers in place
  • Setting product
  • Spray bottle filled with water
  • Silk or satin scarf

Steps to follow:
  • Wash and condition your hair thoroughly.
  • Spray your hair with water if it begins to dry out.
  • Now, apply your favorite setting product to each section of hair before rolling.
  • Keep even tension as you roll as this ensures straighter hair.
  • Wrap small sections of hair around each roller and secure tightly with a clip.
  • Let the hair air dry as it’s the gentlest drying method.
  • Once the hair are dry completely, remove the rollers as the slightest bit of moisture can make your hair curl back.

3. Natural Hair Straightening Mask

All you need is:
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 tablespoon honey

Steps to follow:
  • Mix 1 cup of milk with 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Apply this mixture to your hair and let it sit.
  • After an hour, wash it out with a mild shampoo.

Continually use this mask a couple of times a week to see the results.

4. Coconut Milk Hair

All you need is:
  • 1 cup of coconut milk
  • 5-6 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil
  • 3 tablespoon cornstarch.

Steps to follow:
  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Heat it at low temperature and stir to make a smooth paste.
  3. Let it cool, and then apply to your hair evenly.
  4. Wash your hair after an hour.

Apply this mask twice a week for 2 months to relax and straighten your curly hair

You can also add a few drops of almond or coconut oil to the masks to tame frizzy hair and smooth out the look.

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