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Does picking your acne make it worse?

There is a name for the type of acne that occurs from constant picking at the lesions. It is called acne excoriee. A number of people feel that their skin must always feel smooth at any cost. They feel that if they could just get the contents of the pimple out, the pimple will go away and the skin will heal.

Even though they see that the result is scarring and that picking does not solve the problem, the picking continues and perpetuates the acne. Actually, even as the skin heals, there can be a feeling that something hard is under the skin, and the temptation is again to pick it.

The problem is that picking makes matters only worse. No matter how much you wash your hands, bacteria still exists on your hands and under your nails and will transfer to your facial skin. Also, there is no way that you can be accurate enough in focusing on only the acne lesion without irritating the surrounding skin to some extent. This picked skin then has to heal itself and can again feel like there is a hard substance under the skin from the scab that forms, or from scarring process within the skin that is trying to recover.

Undoubtedly one of the worst consequences of acne is the scarring that is left behind. Unfortunately, the chances of scarring are only increased when lesions are picked at. The solution is to treat the acne with appropriate medications and to avoid touching the lesions at any cost. In time, as the lesions heal and fewer new pimples occur, the skin will feel naturally smoother and will look healthier as well.

Can’t stop picking at acne? Here's what you need to do.

1. Cleanse:

By picking, you've introduced more bacteria to your skin than you realize, even if you've washed your hands. This makes cleansing your skin one of the most important steps to prevent infections and speed up healing. Try Sensitive Skin Cleansing Oil to gently melt away bacteria and impurities without irritating the skin.

2. Tone:

Strong toners made from alcohol are a thing of the past. Safeguard the skin with a modern, hydrating and protective toner for a speedy recovery. Soothing Reset Mist saturates skin in a soothing, hydrating mist that reduces visible redness, and calms skin.

3. Moisturize:

While you may be tempted to spot treat picked-at skin in the same way you treat a pimple, you need to be more gentle with skin that is raw. Keep the affected area hydrated with an ultra-gentle, yet clinically strengthening moisturizer like Sebamed Moisturizing Face Cream.

4. Ice it:

Step away from the mirror and grab an ice pack. If you don't have an ice pack, just grab an ice cube or two and put them in a plastic bag (never let the ice directly touch your skin) and gently work the ice over the damaged skin to reduce swelling and soothe.

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