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What Causes Scalp Acne, and How to Prevent it?

Scalp acne looks like small pimples or zits on the scalp, including the back of the head. These pimples can be itchy and sore.

Just like pimples elsewhere, pimples on the scalp occur when a pore or hair follicle gets clogged with dead skin cells or sebum, which is the natural oil the skin uses to keep itself moisturized.

Bacteria, yeast, or mites can also get into the pores and cause a reaction.

Factors that can cause scalp acne include:

  1. dead skin cells or oil clogging the follicles
  2. a buildup of products, such as hair gels, leave-in treatments, or hairspray
  3. not washing the hair thoroughly enough
  4. waiting too long after a workout to wash the hair
  5. sweating while wearing a head covering, especially if it causes friction

Specific germs that may be causing severe scalp acne include:

  • Yeasts from the Malassezia family
  • Cutibacterium
  • Staphylococcus epidermidids
  • Propionibacterium acnes
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Demodex folliculorum

Diet may also be linked to acne. A study published in Advances in Dermatology and Allergology suggests that a diet high in sugary carbohydrates may increase the riskTrusted Source of acne.

How to Prevent Scalp Acne?

Scalp hygiene plays an essential role in avoiding clogged pores. A good rule of thumb is to wash the hair whenever it starts to feel oily and after every workout.

To treat scalp acne and prevent further flare-ups, try:

  1. wearing looser-fitting headgear to let the scalp breathe
  2. washing hair soon after exercise
  3. switching to natural, hypoallergenic hair care products. A range of products is available for purchase online.
  4. avoiding using too many hair products, such as hairsprays and gels
  5. getting enough vitamin A, D, and E, to keep the skin healthy. Multivitamin supplements are available for purchase in health food stores and online.
  6. keeping a food diary to see if certain foods cause flare-ups if diet is a suspected cause

For some people, infrequent hair washing can cause scalp acne. For other people, washing the hair too often can strip the skin of protective sebum, which can increase the risk of other contaminants getting in. Speak to a dermatologist to find out the best hair care routine.

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