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6 Mascara Application Tips: Because there is always room for improvement #Eye_Makeup

Admit it – you’ve been known to harbor perfectionist tendencies on occasion. So put away your rainbow highlighters and set aside that stack of itemized lists for a moment to brush up on a skill you may think you mastered long ago: mascara application. Because as you very well know, there is always room for improvement.

1: Apply mascara on the bottom lashes first. Then apply mascara on the upper lashes, but start from the inside corner. I place the brush to the lid, curl the brush downward, then pull the brush upward. 
2: Always go vertical and then flip horizontal to really get every lash and make them full. 
3: Don’t lift the brush straight up; slightly lean it towards your eyelid to curl the lashes. Then brush up and out, towards the outer corner of the eye. This will create a more open, winged out effect. 
4: The biggest mistake women make is not conditioning their lashes prior to the application. Lancôme Cils Booster XL is the number one product to condition, strengthen and hydrate the lashes. One coat in the morning before mascara application and then one coat at night before going to bed will make your lashes healthy and silky. 
5: Start from the root of your lashes and wiggle upwards. Wiggling your mascara wand through your lashes will give your wand that tight fit up against every lash. 
6: Gently press on the eyelid to pop out the lashes to get as close to the lash line as possible when applying mascara.

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