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3 Ways to Naturally Lighten Your Armpits

I’ve been shaving under my arms for almost two decades and the Dove commercials are correct. I treat my underarms like shit; I don’t exfoliate, I shave dry, and I certainly don’t take any precautions for things like UV radiation or harmful rays from the sun. One would think I hated my underarms, but in my defense, I feel as if I have such a large area of body to cover in my beauty regimen that clearly something has to suffer. I’ve got it covered now and these natural remedies will def up your confidence on the dance floor this summer.

Lemon Juice & Raw Honey

Mmmm, lemons. They freshen up tap water, act as a natural skin toner for your face, get rid of hiccups AND lighten underarms like a BOSS. Each day, take a lemon wedge and rub onto your underarms before bathing. Afterwards, use equal parts raw honey and lemon juice to put under your arms. The raw honey is great at eliminating dark spots and is an antibacterial that has a natural pH level of about 4.5 Something your underarms will thank you for in the long run by getting smoother.

Add a moisturizer after you’ve rinsed your paste off to protect your underarms from UV radiation and keep that dryness at bay.

Baking Soda

Now, this is my personal favorite method. I exfoliate my bikini line with baking soda to keep razor burn at an ultimate low, and it works to lighten underarms as well by removing dead skin cells.


It seems that whenever I need one potato, I end up buying a dozen potatoes only to find them months later growing horrifying eyes all over their once clear skin. Fortunately, these potatoes that I’ve discovered in the back of my cabinet don’t have to go in the trash. Instead, slice those bad boys open for clear underarm skin. I recommend slicing the potato thick and rubbing directly under your arms daily ones that are a little juicy works best, since potato juice is a natural skin lightener. Who’da thunk.

Potatoes brighten dull skin and increase skin’s elasticity for smooth even skin tones. Do this daily for maximum results. Be sure to apply a moisturizer when you are taking your pits out into the world or you’ll be slicing potatoes for nothing.

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