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How risky is laser hair removal? What are the side effects?

Treatment for laser hair removal is relatively safe and painless as compared to electrolysis, waxing or tweezing and there is least intervention on the skin’s surface. The treatment works best on people with light skin and dark hair. It fails to provide substantial results for people with white, gray, light brown, golden brown, light red or blonde hair. A number of sessions may be required for permanent and longevity hair removal benefits.

Our skin is not harmed detrimentally by the laser procedure because our skin cools down more rapidly than the hair follicles. The treatment is also completed by applying cool compressors to soothe the skin and thereby reduce the risk.

Although laser for permanent hair removal is very much safe, but there are still some possible risk factors and complications that may occur during or after the treatment. Knowing the potential side effects and the dangers of permanent laser hair removal,you can allow you to make an informed decision about the treatment management and safe keeping.

Side Effects and Risk Factors linked to Laser Hair Removal

Alterations in Skin color and Tone, side effects of laser hair removal are changes in skin tone which is also referred to as “hyper pigmentation” and “hypo pigmentation”.

Hyper pigmentation is the darkening of skin that might take place post the completion of laser hair removal treatment. The laser can most frequently encourage production of melanin, thereby building a reaction that is same as having sunburn. Hypo pigmentation, on the contrary, is the lightening of skin that can also appear after a laser hair removal treatment.

The soaking up of laser light can, in some instances, can block melanin production, thereby resulting to a loss of pigment. Similar to Hyper pigmentation, hypo pigmentation also takes place more commonly in patients with darker skin tone. And, while hyper pigmentation is “principally” reversible, hypo pigmentation is not.

1. Skin and Hair burns by Laser Hair Removal

One of the yet common side effects connected with unprofessionally performed laser hair removal procedures are burns, flare up or blaze skin. These complications may take place if the skin, instead of the hair follicle, absorbs the laser energy. It is important to note, though rare, permanent laser hair removal burns happen more often on patients with darker skin, as skin with darker pigment soak up the laser more frequently. While most incidents of laser hair removal burns are just not severe or unmanageable, there have been a most of mild burn cases.

It is crucially essential to identify if a person is even a suitable candidate for laser hair removal or not before undergoing the procedure in order to reduce the risk of burns as well as other potential side effects.

The majority of burn instances are an outcome of laser hair removal being undertaken by a professionally non-qualified or non-experienced in the procedure. Getting treatment by someone who has no experience, skills can certainly raise the risks of complications of laser hair removal. As there are literally set standards for the licensing of qualified laser hair removal practitioners, prospective patients must use one’s own disposition.

Make sure the cosmetic centre or dermatologists you visit attributes to the technically upgraded and latest hair removal systems and avoid clinics that blow trumpets of almost free laser permanent hair removal prices that appears too good to be true. Lower-than-normal costs for anything commonly stipulate that treatments will also be of lower-than-normal quality.

2. Eye injuries

A laser procedure may cause eye injuries, not the adverse one, but is so crucial to properly wear a glass eyewear that is UV resistant to protect your eyes during the procedure provided by your laser technician.

3. Crusting

Improper performance of Laser treatment can cause crusting and creation of scab around the treated area. Little bruising can also appear in case of people with very sensitive skin. These side effects occur within initial days of the laser procedure and vanish away shortly afterward. A rarest side effect is purple coloring of the skin on sunburned areas.

4. Itching and Redness

Although it is completely normal to get itching or red blow outs at the treated site during and after the treatment, but you can soothe it down applying a localized cream. In some cases, the skin may turn red for a couple of days and there is swelling around the follicle following the treatment, but it will go away naturally.

5. Tingling sensation or numbness

Ouch factor! Well Not really, A feeling of a little sting or prick near the treated site by the laser is often the most frequent side effect that can be addressed. Some may also encounter numbness around the treated skin.

6. Infection

Although the rarest of all, but another encountered side effect of laser hair removal is infection. It is very rare and occurs only when the area to be treated is not thoroughly cleaned before and after the treatment.

7. Blisters

Very rare with laser hair removal but can occur in patients with darker complexions.

The main reason patients have problems with laser hair removal is
  • Using a wrong laser for a particular skin type
  • Wrong settings of laser equipment
  • Insufficient or variable cooling
  • Using an IPL hair removal rather than a real laser

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